View Profile burrito15

Age 33, Male

Joined on 9/16/06

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Hey guys, its been a long while, some of you guy's actually think I'm dead right now, well thats not true! I'm here to say once again that I'm moving on... to a different account at least, like I said a long time ago with Snickerdoodle Productions, I grew tired of my username "burrito15". After the failed attempt of Snickers, I have came back to start fresh once again, going by the name of my Xbox Gamertag: GasMaskedMonkey.

I have really grew to love this username over the year and I don't think I can think of one any better. No worries though, burrito15 will live on still on Youtube as NGburrito15! While I also have another account where I will post my more recent flash.. if I ever do one anytime soon!

I did start one recently but soon after got a job at McDonalds! So now it is very hard for me to find the time to make animations and games, especially since I'm a procrastinator, and never fully finish anything besides the Quiz games.

Anyways, as for The Ultimate Mario Quiz series, that series will continue over on my new account, so if it ever comes out, and it's not by "burrito15", don't flag it or blow your whistle because it's still me, Daniel. I will make another post on my new account talking about stuff and whatnot, but before I say my goodbyes from this account, lets look back on some of my history of burrito15:

The History of burrito15... I Think (Not In Any Specific Order Either):
Flunk Combat 6
Portal Demons/ Portal Saviors
The Divide
My First Submission
The Last of the Portal Anything
Love It or Hate It
Good Start
Me at My Best
Simple Inspirations
Animations of Audio
The Other Ones
My Teacher
That One Metalhead!
Super Mario 63 Levels
A Whole New Audience
The Lost Art
Icons (Flunk Combat)
Hey! Thats me!
De Ja Vu
Hey Look! Extras!
The Future

It's been fun as burrito15, and I'll still be here, under a new name, so as burrito15 I say my farewells, and goodbye...

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